Private Blockchain Solution.

Private Blockchain

Built specifically for authenticity. Owned operated and controlled by Brands like you.


Read only tags, each tag has unique identity and linked with physical Items.

Works without App

Signet Tags doesnot require users to download any app and works directly on tapping the tag.

What We Can Do

Services We Can Help You With

Brand Protection

Signet Tags ensures authenticity of your products using technologies like QR code, NFC & private blockchain

Phygital Merchandise

Launch exclusive merchandise, together with the phygital experience. Embedded with a unique tag to enhance your Brand value.

Events & Ticketing

Connect physical and digital ticketing. Explore new revenue opportunities for merchandise, content, resale, and royalty splits.

Our Vision

Empowering Business with new revenue opportunities

At Signet Tags, we understand the challenges faced by modern businesses. Our cutting-edge solutions designed to revolutionize your revenue streams.

  • Recover the lost revenue using our patented (pending) anti counterfeiting technology.

  • Build value for your brand and consumers by transforming your products into a two-way, digital channel.

  • Create new revenue streams with Phygital merchandise, and unique connected products.

Use Cases

How we can help

Authenticity and Brand Protection Software

Customer Engagement & Anti-Counterfeit solutions

Blockchain Pharma Supply Chain Solution Customer